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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

It's Been Awhile / Sailor Moon Crystal ♡♡

Hey everyone! It has been so long since I last wrote on this blog. I honestly think I would update a lot more if it was easier to do on my ipad since I do not have a regular computer to use. I would love to update my blog more, but you know how life is, you get really busy. I have been thinking about starting a youtube channel that would be similar to this blog, but again I don't have a regular computer to use. I know I can use my ipad to edit videos but I really don't know how much. Maybe I will start setting aside money for a laptop.

Anyways! Today I wanted to just kind of update you on my favorite obsession right now, Sailor Moon Crystal! Well, really all things Sailor Moon! But the new anime is perfect, I am in love with it! I have seen a lot of blogs and fanpages who are tearing it apart, despite enjoying it. It just really annoys me that people can't just enjoy it for what it is! Sailor Moon Crystal (I will call it SMC for short from now on) is following more along the lines of the manga, which to me is great! I grew up reading the manga, and it's nice because we meet most of the inner senshi of the scouts nearly right away! The only thing I found that a huge difference so far (granted, it's only been 2 episodes) is that they update the technology that was originally in the manga. Someone said that they saw someone in the background using a cell phone. Also, Usagi has a laptop which it looks like it is running Windows 7. And remember the old floppy disk that Ami is given from the after school seminar she is going to? Well now it is a CD. I don't really mind those updates because after all it is 2014, and any younger generation watching would not understand what a floppy disk is or why the computer monitor looks like a huge brick. Ahhh, the 90s.

[ gif by sailormooncrystal2014 on tumblr ]

I am obsessed with the new theme song for SMC. 'Moon Pride'! It's a beautiful song, and I love the hard edge to it with the guitars. Very Japanese! I really need to order the CD so I can listen to it over and over. Here is a link to the full music video for Moon Pride. It's a little bit different and obviously longer than the version used at the beginning of SMC, but the whole video is just awesome.

Since SMC has started, I decided it was time to expand my Sailor Moon collection even more. I am not sure why but it took me forever to finally buy the SH Figuarts Sailor Moon action figure. I decided with each paycheck, I am going to buy one, since they get pretty pricey. I am a little mad that I waited so long, because the first edition of the Sailor Moon figure came with 2 extra faces; one crying and one winking, which I really wish I had. I took mine out of the box because I don't care what it's worth is some day, I wanted it for me. I wanted to play with it and pose it. That is just more my style, nothing wrong with leaving it in the box though. I am for sure keeping my box, but it did get a little banged up in shipping. Such is life. I bought mine on Amazon. Anyways, I was absolutely amazed by the quality of the action figure. It's super easy to pose and it will stay in place. It's awesome that you can change her faces and hands. She comes with 2 wands, 8 different hands (including Moon Tiara/Boomerang), and 4 faces in total. And she comes with Luna! YOU CAN EVEN POSE LUNA! I was very impressed by this little detail, you can move Luna's tail and head. The Sailor Moon figure is so much fun, the day I got her I kept sending photos to my best friend. Yesterday I just ordered Sailor Mercury! She should arrive by Thursday. I cannot wait to pose her with Sailor Moon.

What do you guys think of Sailor Moon Crystal so far? Are you enjoying it? Tell me what you think in the comments! I would love to discuss all things Sailor Moon! Thanks for reading! I promise it won't be this long ever again! ♡♡

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My story of discovering body positivity ♡♡

As a human today, it is extremely hard to be body positive. Every single day we are faced with cruel people (including ourselves) who don't maybe understand why we look the way we do or why we have the bodies we do. Whether it be being too skinny, too fat, or we dress weird there is going to be that one person (at least) in the world that doesn't like it.

I personally have struggled with my weight since I was about 14 years old. Entering the world of high school made me feel pressure to look a certain weight. When I was in high school I weighed at a max 120 pounds. I was unhappy with myself and the way I looked simply because my body fat decided to make itself apparent around my stomach and hips. Now, I was never called fat by any means, but I felt that way every time I looked in the mirror. I remember laying down on my back when I went to bed because I believed that it would make my hipbones stick out more and my stomach would suck itself in. Silly, I know. Little did I know with just a little diet and exercise I could have eliminated the fat I was so "ashamed" of. Once I graduated and entered college, I stayed pretty much the same weight. It wasn't until I was about 19 that I started to notice that my body was filling out a bit more.

I have always been a kind of happy go lucky, go with the flow kind of girl. So when I started to gain a little bit of weight, I actually didn't freak out. I remember thinking that 140 felt healthy. I wasn't ashamed. It was just harder when I looked at some of my smaller friends that I felt as though I was fat. Once I went to cosmetology school in June of 2008, I started gaining some more weight. Mostly due to poor eating habits. My relationship with fast food first started when I was in 8th grade. It has always been something I enjoyed even though it didn't always love me. At first when the scale started showing me bigger numbers I was scared. I joined the gym and thought that by going a few times over a few months the weight was magically going to come off. Silly, very silly. I didn't change my diet at all.

After I graduated I weighted close to 165, which didn't really scare me. I just kind of ignored it. A few years have passed and now I am near 190 pounds. At first I was super uncomfortable with it. I would wear all black and a ton of layers just to cover what I was so ashamed of. I thought whenever someone would talk to me, the first thing they would see was all of the extra weight I was carrying. I was my own worst critic.

This is where it gets better (I promise). I discovered a few instagram accounts tnat promoted body positivity. One being Tess Munster and the other being Honor Curves. Together they have this movement called #effyourbodystandards. And to me that stuck out since the moment I saw it. I was never one to follow the crowd. I always dressed exactly the way I wanted to dress. Once I started following them, I felt like I wasn't alone. This movement showed me that I am beautiful the way I am. I don't need to cover up. It gave me the confidence I always needed. With the help of their amazing pictures and posts they give me the confidence to truly be myself. The sort of attitude that is like if you don't like my body that is your problem. Which if you aren't following them, I highly suggest you do!

Our bodies are only a small portion of the people that we are. The number on the scale does not give us our value of who we are. Today, at the weight I am, 190 pounds, I am finally at peace with my body. I am happier than I ever was at my lowest of 115 pounds. Not that there was anything wrong with the body I used to have. I don't let my weight dictate how I live my life. If I go to the beach, I am wearing a bathing suit. I don't need to cover every curve just because we are supposed to fit some ridiculous standard in life.

I hate the phrase "dress for your body". Fuck that, dress exactly in what makes you happy. No matter what size, you are beautiful. You are perfect the way you are. I have recently started trying to be more healthy, not because I want to lose weight really, but because I want to feel healthier on the inside. I started taking a hot yoga class which has made me feel absolutely amazing! Even doing all that, there are still people who have doubts in me. But none of that matters, all that matters is the way I feel. Life is too short to be insecure!

I wanted to share my journey with you as a little inspiration. If you are ever feeling down about your body just remember that is only a small part of who you are. Your personality always outshines it. I may be fat to some people but I am also creative, funny, fun, nice, outgoing, lovely, and beautiful. See how that one word is just one of many? Your self worth is not determined by that number on the scale. Please share with me your story or let me know how you feel! Thank you so much for reading! ♡♡

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Valentines Day ♡♡

I have always loved Valentines day, I have always really enjoyed celebrating love. For me, it's never been about a relationship or anything like that; it's always been about making other people (yes, plural, people) feel loved.

There are a ton of things that you can do on Valentines Day if you aren't in a relationship. Some ideas might be, having a slumber party with your friends, play video games, buy as much chocolate as your heart desires (and eat as much as you want!), enjoy a glass (or five) of wine, bake cookies or cupcakes. Don't limit yourself! Find new exciting things to do on Valentines day. That way, it's not just a horrible holiday only for people in a relationship. Like I said, that is not what it is about! Last year, even though I was (and still am) dating someone, I went over to a friends house and brought over some cookies that my mom and I baked, drank, and watched movies. It honestly was one of the best Valentines day I ever had.

This year my boyfriend and I are trying to plan some things out and actually do something. Since I work weekends, it's a little difficult to find time to do these things (at least on weekends). I'm trying to figure out what I am going to get him this year. I have some ideas. If you have a boyfriend some great ideas on what to get him are: video games, vinyl records, dvds or blurays, a watch, or maybe a nice shirt. If you're looking for something to get your girlfriend: flowers (always an amazing gift if you know she loves them!), jewelry (it doesn't have to be real, it's just the thought that counts), a nice floral dress, or a cute iphone case (wildflowercases.com has a great red with white hearts one). These are just ideas, so you are definitely not limited to just these ideas. Plus, it's always great to personalize your gift specific to that person. Not all girls want flowers or anything like that. Also, there is no shame in not exchanging gifts either. If you and your loved one aren't really Valentines day type, binge watching netflix is always fun! Just to avoid any argument it's always best to discuss your thoughts on Valentines day first.

My boyfriend and I already discussed going out on a date. And yesterday I ordered a new outfit just for the occasion. Plus, I needed to add some more pieces to my wardrobe anyways. I got all of these items at forever21.com. And their site also has a ton of ideas for what to wear on Valentines day. I always like cute florals and anything red and pink!

♡ Here is what I bought: ♡

That about wraps things up. I will be updating sometime soon the reviews I promised as well as my Valentines day! I hope yours is magical and you have a great time no matter what you do! Thanks for reading! ♡♡

Monday, January 6, 2014

New Years Resolutions ♡♡

I know it's been 6 days since 2014 and we've probably already broken a resolution or two, but I found a really neat idea to start this year right without being too crazy. One blog I really enjoy to read is Lauren Conrad's. I think her and the other bloggers on her site have some really great and creative ideas. I was kind of inspired by her New Years Resolutions post to make my own!

A bad habit I'm going to break: Smoking. I've already cut down a lot and my goal is to be smoke free by February 1st!
A destination I'd like to visit: The east or west coast. I'm not picky on where I just have never been to either! Plus I am overdue for a vacation!!
I'm going to work harder at: saying organized! I'm horrible about cleaning sometimes and I really need to get my room into shape so I can paint it and plus I need to show off my Sailor Moon collection!
A project I'd like to finish: This isn't really a project per-say but I would like to save up some money! I saw one on Facebook that was save a dollar a week, increasing a dollar each week for the year and you will have saved over $1000 so I'm going to try something like that!
A class I'd like to take: A women's hair color class! I am slightly behind on women's hair coloring trends simply because I work at a barbershop mostly catered towards men. I would like to really like to take a lot of classes honestly.
I'd like to spend more time doing: art. I love to draw and I consider myself to be a fairly artistic person but I am so out of practice!
A food I want to eat more of: veggies! I'm horrible about eating decent foods. 
I want to wear more: colors! I love pastels but lately all I've worn is black and white and grey. I did get a pair of brown boots so I'm proud of that but I need more colors!
What are your resolutions? Let me know in the comments!♡♡

Snowy day!! Reviews, recent orders, and more!! ♡♡

Hello lovelies! I hope all of you are staying warm! It is freezing in Michigan. This weather is not very fun but it gives me an excuse to have my own little personal snow day, something I haven't had in quite some time now! My parents are currently on their way home from up north and I am really hoping that they make it home safely. Yesterday on my way home from work my car was sliding all around the snowy roads, and I almost got stuck trying to go up a hill. Luckily, I got out of it and made it home just fine, but it was scary! What are you favorite things to do on a snow day? I enjoy a warm cup of hot cocoa or warm tea and watching a movie or playing video games. Some other ideas are crafting, baking, or playing a board game.

Review. I recently had ordered Wreck This Journal. I ordered it on amazon for around $10 + shipping. I got it on Saturday and have been busy wrecking it ever since! It's great because its not like your typical journal. The point of it is to basically destroy it and not have it be perfect. Every page has a little task for you to complete. One of the first things it tells you to do is crack the spine. Instantly the journal feels already more lived in. There's also another page where it tells you to shower with the book. It's so great! I think when I finish this one, I will get another one, and keep the process going. It's so great because it really gets your creative juices flowing, without having to be the best artist. It's definitely worth buying.

My last review I have is from the OPI Gwen Stefani collection. It's a silver polish called push and shove. The color is supposed to be like chrome on your nails. Now this polish is not your typical nail polish. It's not just 2 coats and a coat of top coat and your done. This one comes with a little mini base coat that you put on your nails first. And then they say to do two thin coats of the push and shove color. No top coat. It looked great when it was done, but I did notice that you could see all of the ridges of my nail beds. Which to me is a pretty minor problem, but I definitely recommend buffing your nails before putting on the base coat. Now as for the wear of the polish, it warns you on the packaging that it is a "one night only" kind of polish. I wanted to test that the best I could. I noticed as the day went on after I polished them that the chrome was a little less shiny. It wasn't matte by any means but it didn't have that shine it had before. The polish did chip off fairly easily the next day. However, keep in mind that I am a hairdresser and I am shampooing multiple times through out the day. I fully plan on painting my nails again with this color as it looks so awesome for the first few hours.

Color: ♥♥♥♥♥
Longwear: ♥♡♡♡♡
Overall: ♥♥♥♡♡
I do recommend, it's worth buying, just wear for special occasions.

I also recently ordered a 2 purses and a beanie from storenvy! I am so excited to get them, I hope they get here this week! This is my first order off of storenvy so I figured I would keep it to a shop that seemed like it had been around for awhile. I have been eyeballing this cat ear beanie for quite some time and I definitely couldn't resist any longer. Also I've been looking for a new cute purse and figured this cat one would be perfect! I already have one cat purse, but I've had it about a year and it's starting to wear down, so I thought why not. Oh, and the little cat purse came free, so I am going to hopefully use that one as a case for my ipad mini! The shop I ordred from is called SYNDROME.

The last thing I ordered was FREE! All I had to do was pay for shipping. So worth it! I will definitely give these a review once I get them! They are false eyelashes from Oh my, Lash! I saw a post from one of my favorite instagram accounts Lillipore. She had said they were having a special offer on 4 free pairs of eyelashes from their Sweetheart collection. I definitely couldn't resist, especially since I am obsessed with wearing falsies! I am the most excited to wear "Jo Jo" and "Chelsea". You can order your own FREE pairs here.

Alright, I think that about wraps up everything. Thanks so much for reading my blog everyone! I am going to go color my hair now! I hope you enjoy your day! Stay cute! ♡♡

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A little playlist for you ♡♡

I don't know about you but I absolutely love music! I love the way music gives you a sort of feeling when you hear the right song at the right time. It helps you get through hard times. Well anyways, lately I've kind of been feeling like I'm in a music rut. I feel like I haven't discovered anything new lately. So I decided to go back and rediscover some artists I haven't listened to in while. And just like that, the rut was gone. All of the sudden I started compiling a playlist and fell in love all over again. Some new artists I discovered along the way of making this playlist and some that are old favorites.
I decided that I want to share this amazing playlist with you all! It has a little bit of everything to satisfy a lot of music tastes. Some of the artists on it include: Rilo Kiley, The Smiths, Lights, Skrillex, Hole, and Kyary Pamyu Pamyu. I really hope you enjoy it! I used spotify to create this playlist so you will have to have an account. I pay monthly for it to use it on my iPhone and iPad, but I'm not sure if it's free on a computer. It's worth the money to always have just about every artist at my finger tips! I will probably keep adding songs to it as time goes on so keep a look out!
click here to download ♡♡

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hello!! (^ω^)Welcome to my blog! ♡

Hello everyone! Welcome to my new blog. It doesn't have a specific name or anything, but I suppose you can call it Pale Prism if you would like! I am very excited to finally have a real blog again and I hope I can gain some followers on the way!
To start things off, I am going to introduce myself! My name is Eryn! I am 25 years old and from Grand Rapids, Michigan. I love my home because it is constantly growing and it is absolutely one of the most beautiful cities that Michigan has to offer. I am a licensed cosmetologist and I have been doing hair for about 5 years now. I really love doing hair, and I think it is my true calling. Right now I work full time at a barbershop catered towards men, but I hope to one day own my own salon that also doubles as a dog grooming salon. In my free time I really enjoy reading and watching Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon has been one of my number one obsessions since I was 12 years old. I own a lot of the mangas and am constantly building my Sailor Moon collection! It's nothing really that extra ordinate just yet, but it will get there! I can't wait until I have a good space to display it all. That's just a little bit about me, but of course you can always follow me on twitter, tumblr, and instagram (the links are in the sidebar). I typically always follow back as long we have some of the same interests!
A little about this blog and my goals for it. I started this blog as one of my new years resolutions. I have always wanted to have a real blog, whether I gain followers or not, I am going to do my best to keep up on it and update it as much as I can. My main goal with this blog is to share things that I enjoy with my followers. Whether it be products, clothes, playlists, crafts, etc. I also want to share my journey in body peace and positivity. I believe that all bodies are different and beautiful and we should embrace them and treat them well! I will offer both my advice and my struggles. If you have any suggestions on what you want me to post, feel free to comment and let me know! I am always very open to different ideas! As I post more, the links at the top of my page will lead you to specific posts regarding the post subject. I will add more as needed. I also am hoping to eventually make a super cute banner for the top of my page and making my layout even cuter!
Thank you for visiting my blog, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I am going to, here's to the New Year! Stay cute & may all your dreams come true. ♡